Monday, October 29, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

This week will kick off Red Ribbon Week. Monday-- “I’m Too Bright for Drugs” Day—Wear your neon! Tuesday-- I'm Jean-ius. I’m Drug Free!” Day—Wear your jeans! Wednesday-- “Black Out Drugs” Day—Wear your black! Say "Boo" To Drugs will be downtown Wamego Wednesday night.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Math Trailblazer's Multiplication Unit

New Units

We have finished up our Life Cycles Unit and are moving on to the study of weather. Students will be learning about what causes weather, what causes wind, reviewing the water cycle and learning about weather instrument and what they measure. Look for a pamphlet to come home about your child creating a weather project. In social studies we are moving on to our government unit. This is very timely with the elections coming up. Students will become aware that our Constitution is the plan for our government. The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution will be covered. Students will learn about the 3 branches of government, who heads each branch, and the role of each branch. Our local, state, and national governments and the roles of each will be explored. We will also study our rights and responsibilities as Americans. In math we have started our multiplication unit. Students are looking at multiplication arrays and the properties of numbers. We have talked about square and prime numbers, odd and even numbers, fact families, and divisibility rules. I will be having all students orally say their math facts to me through the 12's. Hopefully this will be completed by Thanksgiving.